Department of Food and Civil Supplies, Punjab

Department of Food and Civil Supplies, Punjab
Public Appointment
Recruitment of Inspectors Grade-II

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 1289 (Twelve Hundred and Eight  Nine) INSPECTORS GRADE II, (Group C) in Department of Food and Civil Supplies as per Performa appended below. The other details are given as under:-
 1.Number of Posts:1289 (Twelve Hundred &                                                                   
 2.Pay Scale:  Rs. 5910-20200/-GP of Rs. 2800/-
 3.Qualifications as on 31.1.2010:
a)     Candidate should be graduate from recognized University or Institution or its equivalent and should have passed Punjabi subject upto Matric standard. However in the case of Ex-servicemen, riot victim persons or members of a family of a person killed as a result of terrorist action in the State; the person if selected will have to pass Punjabi of Matriculation standard within six months from the date of joining the service, if they do not possess it already.
b)      Candidates should possess at least 120 hours course with working experience in the use of Personal Computers or Information Technology in office Productivity applications or Desktop Publishing Applications from a Govt. recognized institution or a reputed institution which is ISO 9001 certified.
A computer Information Technology Course equivalent to ‘O’ level certificate of DOEACC of Govt. of India.
The candidate should possess the above mentioned qualifications on or before the last date of receipt of applications. Candidates not possessing the essential qualification shall not be considered.
4.     Age Limit:
Candidates should be between 18 to 35 years as on 31.01.2010. Upper age Limit is relaxable to the extent of 5 years for Scheduled Castes/Tribes/Backward Classes and upto 10 years for physically handicapped persons. An Ex-servicemen shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of the Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy according to Govt. instructions, by more than 3 years he/she shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. Applicants in Govt. service shall be eligible upto 45 years of age. Govt. Servants must send advance copies of their applications in the prescribed form alongwith requisite/fee and copies of certificates by the prescribed date. However they will be considered for selection only if their applications through proper channel are received or “No Objection Certificate” from the department concerned is furnished at any time before the selection process.

5.     Reservation:
Reservation shall be as per the policy/instructions of the Punjab Government. It shall include candidates of:- SC/ST, BC, EX-Servicemen, Handicapped persons, freedom fighter & Sportspersons, Categories.
NB: The Sportspersons seeking reservation under sports quota should apply with Sports Gradation Certificate issued by Director Sports, Punjab as per the latest instructions.
6.     Selection Procedure:
Selection will be based on written examination only. There will not be any interview. The merit will be prepared on the basis of this written examination only. The question paper will be provided in English and Punjabi, it will have 150 questions each carrying one mark as per the details given below:-

           I  Language Proficiency
                 (Punjabi-13question+English-12  question)         25 questions
II)        General Knowledge                                             25 questions
III)       Mental Ability                                                      50 questions
IV)    Mathematical Skills (with Matric as the difficulty level)
50 questions
Note: Minimum qualifying marks for candidates of all categories
 will be 35% (Thirty-Five percent) of the total marks. In case
  some qualifying candidates obtain equal marks then for
selection, preference will be given to a candidate with higher
score in graduation degree.
7.     Examination Centers:
                                *       **
*A candidate can indicate two of his/her choice of centers in order of preference.
** Intimation of Date of Examination will be communicated to the candidates separately.
 8.     Fees
(a)     General Category      :       Rs. 500/-         
(b)     Scheduled Caste       :       Rs. 250/-
(c)     Ex-Serviceman          :       All the ex-servicemen of Punjab are
                                                exempted from the payment of fee
The requisite fee should be in the shape of crossed bank draft/pay order/bankers cheque/postal order in favour of Director Food and Civil Supplies Payable at Chandigarh. Candidate should write his/her name and address on back side of the draft, pay order/bankers cheque/postal order.
9.     How to Apply
a.       The last date of Submission of Application in the appended Performa  shall be 26th February  2010 upto 5:00 p.m. in the Office of Director Food and Civil Supplies, Punjab at Jeevandeep Building (LIC), Sector 17B, Chandigarh. No application shall be entertained after this date and time.
b.     The completed application Form should be sent by registered post/courier by hand to the Director Food and Civil Supplies, Jeevandeep Building (LIC), Sector 17B, Chandigarh. No application shall be entertained after last date and time fixed for receipt of applications. On the top of envelope containing the application form Application for the post of Inspector Grade II should be written in bold letters. The department will not be responsible for any postal delay.
c.       Three recent (not earlier than three months from the date of application) color passport size photographs with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses should be sent alongwith the application, Xerox copy of photographs is not permitted.
d.      Handicapped persons who are suffering from less than 40% of disability shall not be eligible for the posts in handicapped category.
 e.    The candidates can send their applications either on neatly typed Performa (as per specimen appended with this advertisement) or the Performa downloaded from the departmental website
 10.    The Director Food and Civil Supplies, Punjab reserves the right to modify or withdraw the recruitment notice without assigning any reason.
11.    No traveling allowance would be admissible for appearing in the test.
12.    Mere issue of admit card will not entitle a candidate to be eligible for appointment after the declaration of written examination result.
13.    Successful candidates in the written examination shall produce their original certificates/testimonials in person as and when required by the Director Food and Civil Supplies, Punjab.
14.    It is clarified that if any information, certificate document is found false at any stage, the candidate shall be liable for disqualification and prosecution.
15.    The incomplete application form in any respect shall be rejected.
16.   The candidates can also log on to the Departmental website: for details.

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